Climate Change by Jan Engels-Smith
This article is a continuation of last month’s article and the information that poured into me at our camp during LightSong’s 30th practicum. The focus for this article is the teaching that there is always a bigger picture occurring energetically that is often divine in character. This bigger picture can be for every event that takes place, however that can present overwhelming challenges to try and explain so I will choose a couple topics to flesh out that came through at the practicum. As a teaching tool I would like you to image events, lifetimes, or issues, as a series of concentric circles. The center nucleus being the presenting issue that has taken place. Each concentric ring extending out from the center is a “different and more aware perception” of what the issue is actually about. The energy moves away from the presenting facts and actually moves towards a more spiritual perspective. The furthest circles may not address the issue at all but encompass an “understanding of life”
We have all received these teaching before in various forms using different verbiage. Some examples are.
1. You can not solve a problem at the same level as the problem. Meaning if you are caught in the center with the presenting issues you are not moving into a more spiritual or aware mindset and you will stay caught in the problem. (This is the subject that the spirits decided to teach at practicum).
2. Life is about perception, and your perception will determine your attitude, your words, your thoughts, and your action.
3. Change your perception and change your life.
The spirits highlighted a very hot topic to present these teaching at the practicum: The topic of climate change. At the very core or the center ring this topic is full of emotion, blame, and cause. We have the villains of the issue: fossil fuel emissions, deforestation, and the build up of greenhouse gases. We become emotional with the news or experience of forest fires, drought, polar ice melting, the loss of species, catastrophic weather patters, or earthquakes. We might become angry with politicians and their lack of attention or the greed of big business and oil companies. Feelings of helplessness overwhelm, anger, disgust, or rage can be the result. All of these emotions keep attention on the problem fueled with low frequency energies, which through the creation laws keep us captive to the problem with no escape and creating more of the problem.
As the spirits continued with their teaching moving into greater awareness of the issue they highlighted certain spiritual facts.
1. There is a bigger reason for all events.
2. The spirits love us and work with us with our prayers and desires.
3. The universe is on our side, working for us not against us.
4. Love prevails and is the strongest creative force in the universe.
5. All things are created from love but it might take great exploration to find.
I for one have been praying for global peace, unity, harmony, balance, and well being for years. It is a constant prayer of mine. I believe that most of my readers would agree with this prayer and they too speak something similar. So how can the world look so dismal and disjointed? The spirits had me move away from the core of the issue of climate change and look at a bigger picture. That possibly climate change is part of an answered prayer, that the earth is responding to us in a way that can be helpful. What is a bigger perspective that is actually happening?
For the first time in history countries, nations, big business, clergy, lay people, scientists are actually coming together having conversations working in collaboration and in unity. Politicians have to address issues and changes are finally happening that have the earth as the center point for wellness. Alliances, teamwork, and relationships are being established. Even the Pope is highlighting this to the peoples of the church. In the bigger picture cosmic forces have come together to help us wake up and possibly achieve the peace, unity, harmony, balance and well being that we have prayed about. Climate change is bringing people together. It is a catalyst of transformation.
So each one of us has to imagine Climate change being a gift instead of a problem and this changed perception will change the energy of it. The changed perception puts energies into motion. Hold this intention in your heart. We are creator beings and where we put our energy will manifest. The nature spirits say we love you more than you can ever imagine.
Another layer is to realize that so much of our belief of human existence is that humanity is destructive which goes back to the belief of original sin. We believe ourselves to be destructive so we consistently create that belief. This has become cellular in many. We need to challenge this belief and change the core beliefs at a genetic level.
If we believe that we are gift and love ourselves as a species on earth we can make the difference and create that change.
We strive for a generational shift from the older generations, which are littered with guilt that humans are in charge of creating the damage on earth. Look closely at the younger generation who have come in not to harbor this guilt and just go straight into the healing of earth. Every single person has the full ability to change the whole world single-handedly.
I loved a comment from one of my students, Judith Harrigan who stated. Another version of climate change is the climate of the mind. Moving from greed, self-indulgence, fear, lack of awareness, and obliviousness to one of love, collaboration, unity, and hope. An internal climate change of perception. Personal climate change is the change in the climate of thought and awareness.
The model of the concentric rings can be used personally, and collectively. Explore your issues. Where are you caught in the middle and then image, and explore vast possibilities. Notice and watch what happens energetically inside of you as you do this. The possibilities are endless; the feelings of wellness are the result.