Cutting the Cords of Negative Energy by Jan Engels-Smith
Human beings are primarily energy systems having a human experience. Our energy systems are complex and reach far out of the body
A Simple Process to Change Your Life by Jan Engels-Smith
Here is a simple process to change your life. Throughout the day have checkpoints about your thinking. Ask yourself the question. Does
Climate Change by Jan Engels-Smith
This article is a continuation of last month’s article and the information that poured into me at our camp during LightSong’s 30th practicum. The focus for
Thought Forms – Basic Unraveling Method By Jan Engels-Smith
“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” ~The Dalai Lama
The results of our actions
The Use of Invocation and Intention in Shamanism and Energy Medicine
The reason for an invocation is to inform yourself and the spirit world, to a lesser extent, that you are beginning
So, Where Do We Find the Spirits? by Jan Engels-Smith
Spirits are everywhere.
There are many different kinds of spirits, and they can take various forms. We can’t know who they all
The Chakras and the Laws of Attraction by Jan Engels-Smith
“I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”
From “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley
In the current