Afterlife Connections by Jan Engels-Smith
I have written two other articles on the topic of death and dying—“Death and Dying from a Shamanic Perspective” and “Psychopomp.” This third article describes contacting
Transition Blanket by Jan Engels-Smith
I created a Transition Blanket in preparation for my father's imminent death. To this day, this sacred object continues to bestow life-altering blessings on my entire
Psychopomps By Jan Engels-Smith
(From the Greek psuchopompos, literally meaning “the guide of souls”)
Birth and death, the entry and the exit from this life, are events accompanied by spiritual entities that assist
Death and Dying from a Shamanic Perspective by Jan Engels-Smith
“Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by its breathtaking moments.” Michael Vance
In shamanism, the belief that there