A Simple Process to Change Your Life by Jan Engels-Smith
Here is a simple process to change your life. Throughout the day have checkpoints about your thinking. Ask yourself the question. Does this thought make me feel good or does this thought make me feel bad? If it makes you feel bad quit thinking it; if it makes you feel good, have at it and enjoy your process.
Every one of us has opinions about many things. Opinions stimulate an internal emotional response and offer a vibrational frequency that resonates throughout the universe and every opinion is a point of attraction that attracts other like frequencies. Before offering an opinion or even pondering one, consider the quality of your view. Will this opinion help or hinder your overall well being?
There are two parts of you. Your egoic wounded self and your true self. Your true self knows no wound, only unconditional love. Each day ask yourself to embody more of your true self than your egoic wounded self.
Sometimes it is hard to discern whether you are thinking about that which you desire or thinking about what you don’t desire. We often think about why a problem is a problem instead of a solution to the problem. Focusing on just the problem can increase frustration, anger, or helplessness—all negative emotions that attract more negativity. On the other hand, considering a resolution to a problem generates feelings of hope, harmony, and peace—positive emotions that send out positive vibrations that promote greater concord and amity. Ask yourself what feelings you seek in the solution that you need and then try to find those feelings in other areas of your life. Where have you found your greatest harmony with the universe and when have you felt the most confident in your personal power? As soon as you start replicating the feelings you had in these circumstances then you will start attracting more of this positive energy, which usually opens the door to the solution that you seek.
To become aware of “your point of attraction” will have tremendous value in creating the type of life that you desire. Your point of attraction is determined by your feelings. Points of attraction can be created by either deliberate action or by subconscious thoughts. Deliberate means that you are consciously paying attention to your feelings and what you are attracting to yourself. Not being deliberately conscious of your feelings may result in your subconscious attracting feelings from a wounded past or other previous negative experience. This mental inaction might lead you to think that bad things just happen to you naturally and that you do not have a role to play in determining your situation. Instead, you must realize that you are a vibrational being that creates realities through the energies that you project from yourself and the corresponding dynamisms that you attract by these projections.
What you think and what you feel will determine what you attract in each moment. Too simple you say? Ask yourself, how happy can I be today? You might be surprised how one happy or pleasant thought can course through your body and multiply the positive energies of contentment, joy, or even ecstasy.
Try this exercise. Before you drink a glass of water, hold the glass between your hands and think of positive words you would like to imbue into the water. The water absorbs these energies. When you drink the newly imbued water you are letting that positive energy flow throughout your body, into every cell, and into your mind. Your body is about 65-85% water and the molecules of the water that you have imbued with positive energies will permeate all the cells of your body and alter your state of being.
When you wake in the morning—before anything else—set a quick intention. Mine is: I love my life. This sets the tone for the entire day.
Daydreaming is a wonderful tool of creation. Pause throughout the day and daydream about what you enjoy. Not what you want, but what you enjoy. This wonderful activity has tremendous value in your well being.
Quantum physics tells us that when you observe an experiment you change the outcome of the experiment because you have observed it. If a scientist has an opinion about what he or she is observing, the results can be affected by the attitude of the observer. This breakthrough in science represents what metaphysics has been declaring for decades. If you observe your thoughts (which is the same as observing an experiment) you can automatically change the outcome of events in a very deliberate way.
We can be very influenced by the media or the collective mass consciousness. However you always have ultimate control. It is your birthright. If you don’t like what the media or the mass consciousness dictates, don’t accept it, and create your own reality through deliberate choice. This is not done by focusing on the negative quality of the existing reality but by creating positive thoughts about around the possible good outcomes that can replace the negativity of inevitable catastrophe and hopelessness. We all saw in the recent terrorist attacks in Paris a startling difference in the pain of the immediate tragedy and the subsequent outpouring of love and hope that emanated from the masses that gathered to celebrate life, not death. People were drawn together by a positive energy to affirm what is good in our relationships, not in the isolation of despair.
You get to choose what you want for yourself today—what thoughts you want to think and what feelings you want to feel.
If there is a person in your life who pushes your buttons, spend some time today sending him or her your love and blessings. Don’t try to justify why they don’t deserve your love or blessings; that just adds to the problem. Just express your best self. You will feel an immediate relief.
Do you BELIEVE that you can have your heart’s desire or whatever is on your manifestation list? If you do not, then the “do not” energy is your primary broadcast. It will cancel out any prayer, wish, or pleading that you project. It is easy to change a “do not” vibration by moving into appreciation. Appreciate what you “DO” have and what has already manifested in your life. This will get your energy broadcast in a good place.
There is a paradox that I try to remember whenever I struggle with a situation. When I surrender and let go of the control that I try to exercise over the situation, I allow the magnificence that surrounds me the opportunity to infiltrate my awareness. It is easy to feel good when things are comfortable and going well. However, it is in life’s struggles that we find the greatest opportunities for growth and evolution of our consciousness. Notice where you struggle and what opportunities the struggles present.
The most powerful part of the human body is the heart. Not the mind, but the heart. Open your heart and notice how it feels.
Do you ever have knee jerk responses to situations or people? Knee jerk responses are because you are in a habit of thinking, feeling and responding a particular way. You can prevent conditioned negative responses through the practice of deliberate feel good exercise. The more you practice feeling good, the more the feel-good response will imbue your being. In time, your automatic reaction to anything will be positive, uplifting and loving. I have developed a discipline that I call the feel good challenge. It is something that I practice daily and you can find the entire process on my web site. Here is a sampling of a few of the challenges:
- Complaining is an energy that causes more problems. Some people are unaware of how much they complain. Some people think that the complaining will actually change a situation. Complaining is a low frequency energy that will actually cause your body to ache, your pocketbook to drain, and your relationships to be strained. Instead relook at any situation that you feel upset about and try to reframe it. If that seems too hard to do, decide to focus on a few aspects of your life where you can feel appreciation.
What are 5 FEELINGS you choose to feel today that will invoke appreciation
Here are mine: Potential, Choice, Inspired, Motivated, Bright
- A major part of life is managing relationships. Even if you are not partnered you are in relationships. You are in relationship to others, relationship to the earth, relationship to your body, and relationship to the divine. How you manage these relationships will indicate where you are in balance or not in balance. To ascend into higher dimensions of thought and well being all these relationships need to be healthy. They become healthy through positive attitude and feelings.
What are 5 feeling words you can bring to your relationships today?
Here are mine: Appreciation, Awestruck, Thankfulness, Forgiveness, Humility
- Be curious and expect miracles. Curiosity allows the mind to have a certain amount of freedom. This raises your vibration. Curiosity is a good thing. Anything that raises your vibration is a good thing. Be curious, expect the best, and enjoy.
What are 5 FEELINGS you choose to feel today that will invoke curiosity in your life?
Here are mine: Wonderment, Openness, Expansion, Newness, Inventiveness
- Through the Laws of Creation you have created yourself. Your core is divine and magnificent. If you have created a lesser version of that to show to the world then you can recreate that version to match your core. The choice is always yours. You create with words, thoughts and feelings. Celebrate yourself!
What are 5 FEELINGS you choose to feel today that expresses celebratory words for life and the version of yourself you wish to present to the world?
Here are mine: Free, Excited, Full of potential, Magnificent, Exhilarated
- The Laws of Creation tell us that your vibrational broadcast will equal how you feel and thus how you create. You determine your creation right NOW by how you feel. If you modify your feelings you transform your creation. What do you want to create today?
What are 5 FEELINGS you choose to feel today that will support what you wish to create for yourself?
Here are mine: Love, Equality, Prosperity, Happiness, Connection
If you enjoyed this exercise, please join us for the FEEL GOOD CHALLENGE daily on Facebook! It will change your life, it will help humanity, and it will be FUN.