Cutting the Cords of Negative Energy by Jan Engels-Smith

Human beings are primarily energy systems having a human experience.  Our energy systems are complex and reach far out of the body surrounding the body in fields of energy. These fields can be called auras, subtle body fields, or electromagnetic fields depending on which discipline you follow: metaphysics or science.  These fields of energy can extend out several feet from the body. There are also energy fields inside the body, which are called chakras.  Chakras are more like broadcasting towers and actually feed the subtle body fields around us.

My point in describing this is to help readers understand that energy is the predominate part of our make up and is a major component of our emotional stability, mental clarity, and spiritual awareness.

Our energy is not static but is extremely fluid.  It can be lost, hijacked, contaminated, or stolen.  It can also be refueled, ignited, heightened, attuned and returned.  Maintaining our energy fields and energy system is a major component of good health.  Unfortunately most people are unaware of this need and go through most of their life not sustaining or performing maintenance on their energy system.  The outcome from this lack of attention can present in emotional instability or complications, mental cloudiness or obsessive thinking, and spiritual stagnation.  In fact, all illness is caused by faulty energy frequencies in the body.

The emphasis is this article is on the “cording” of energy.   Every event that you encounter or interaction that you have results in a connection of your energy with this external experience.  These “cords” create the synergistic interchange that both affects the experience and, in response, alters your own being. The result may be minor (although cumulatively significant) or majorly impactful. For example, your memories are a result of the energy interaction you are experiencing with your environment.  Your memory is a result of synapses in the brain (energy currents) bringing a recall into focus.  Metaphysically, we can understand the cords are being “read” and a vague memory may achieve clarity—even into all of our other lifetimes. These connections may be very positive in providing constructive and useful benefits, but there are dangers as well. In the myriad of experiences in our current life combined with the incidents from many past lives, we can become severely entangled in cords, which can present in multiple ways.  We may not be able to let go of lost loves, wounds, or haunting memories. We have all experienced the mental conversation with ourselves after a difficult conversation where we imagine what we wish we had said and even, at times, invent a new conversation and believe a new truth that differs from what actually happened. This is an example of cords being energetically activated to keep this situation alive and present in our psyche.  These energetic connections can affect a person’s heart rate, pulse, and temperate as well as create an extreme emotional state, such as experiencing anger while remembering an uncomfortable incident. The incident may have happened years previously, but we still respond because the energy is still contained in our long-distance connection. Needless to say, these counterproductive cords can be very destructive for the individual and need to be disengaged or cut in order to find peace and wellbeing.

Cord cutting is part of the maintenance of the energy system.  Not all cords are negative or binding in nature.  Some cords are part of our energy imprint of our soul’s evolution through space and time. Children often cord with their parents and parents with their children.  If a situation feels unfamiliar or possibly scary, a young child will step between a parent’s legs.  Energetically a cord is coming from the root chakra of the parent that feels nurturing to the child, energetically informing him that he is safe. However, a negative entanglement may only be resolved by performing a cord cutting. In this act, intention will always be a key factor in finding the correct cords to cut.

Cords usually are connected to energy centers or chakras in the body. The presence of the cord in connection with a particular chakra will determine the emotional component of the cord.  Each chakra exchanges particular energy with our physical, emotional, and spiritual environment—such as love relationships in the heart chakra, loss of power in the solar plexus, or not feeling worthy in the root.  However, since no event is usually singular there can be many cords connecting for various reasons throughout an energy system. Fatigue or exhaustion, guilt, obsessive thinking, not being able to let go of an issue or person, or prolonged grief are a few examples of symptoms of needing a cord cutting.  In my personal view, one could do cord cuttings daily to relieve anxieties and to strip away unhealthy thoughts, just as one might take a daily shower to enter the day fresh and energized. Of course some cord cuttings require more extensive attention and effort.

There are many different methods that can be used in cord cutting. In my personal healing sessions with clients, I always incorporate a very specialized cord cutting—one that the spirits taught me and is very ceremonial in nature. This ritualistic severing of the cord can also be used to restore lost soul pieces.  Many of my clients have experienced amazing results where difficult issues fade away out of the conscious mind and even sometimes out of the memory.  I myself experienced this after I did a session on myself.  My father was a main perpetrator in my life and it seems most of my healing work for myself was about him.  Workshops, private sessions, readings, and self help classes I participated in always seemed to surface him as the source of pain that required my healing.  When the spirits taught me this particular cord cutting, I performed a full session on myself employing all of the ceremony and ritual that I would use for a client.   A few months later I was attending a healing training seminar with a friend and we were to bring up an event that had created an energetic wound.  My friend leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Are you going to work on your dad?”  Since at that moment he was the farthest thought from my mind, I then realized how effectively that ceremony had worked.  I could barely remember my issues with him; they were gone.   I had been truly freed.

In the case of cord cutting concerning family members or loved ones that you are still very involved with, please realize that the intention of cord cutting will remove the difficult situations not the person from your life.  It is always good practice to keep your most precious relationships clear of negative cords; this keeps the relationship healthy and vital.

I can not fully describe the previously mentioned ceremonial cord cutting in this brief article because I can’t explain its contents without readers being fully trained in shamanic energy medicine techniques; however, I can share a ceremony that is profound and I use in workshops with my students.  It is important to remember that it is your birthright to be happy, vital, joyful and sovereign.  Many people are not in those states of well-being because energetically they haven’t been taken care of or learned how to care for themselves as adults.  But happiness and well-being are the natural conditions of life.  Cutting cords and performing energetic clean up is natural and necessary.  Nature does it automatically and naturally.

My favorite example of this is from The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.  Tolle shares his observation that after two ducks get into a fight they separate and float off in opposite directions. Then they each flap their wings vigorously a few times to get rid of the surplus energy that built up during the fight. After flapping their wings they float on peacefully, as if nothing had happened. Dogs shake, ducks flap, and cords are cut automatically.  Humans seem to have lost this natural release function as the ego developed and ruled.  Now we need to incorporate ritual to obtain the same outcome.

Here is a basic technique:

  • State your intention to envision the cords that are binding you to your unhappiness.  You can change the intention with whichever words feel more fitting, i.e.  “My intention is to cut all the cords that are negatively binding me to unemployment.”  or “ My intention is to cut all the cords that are negatively binding me to unhappiness with my spouse.”
  • Envision yourself sitting in nature in a beautiful place.  The sun is shining and you feel safe, peaceful and full of grace.
    A bright light appears and you realize that this light is creator, source or the divine.  It shines brightly on you and illuminates your chakras.
  • Starting at your feet, ask to see the cords that are coming off your foot that are binding you to your unhappiness.  Once the cord appears in your imagination follow it out and see what or who is attached to it. (This could be this lifetime or any other lifetime; don’t try to control this with what you know.)
  • Once the person, place or thing appears, envision that you are holding a great sword, laser, or some sort of cutting device.
    State: “With the power of love and the empowerment of Source within me I cut this cord and I am free.”
  • At that moment cut the cord off of yourself and then make a second cut to remove the cord from whoever or whatever is attached to it.  Actually move your arm through space in a cutting motion.
  • The cord will fall to the ground and who or what it was attached to will float off untethered from the cord.
  • Go through each chakra: root, adnominal, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown.  You can also do your shoulders and hands before the crown.  The crown is always last.
  • Once this is complete ask the light of source to fill you completely.  Envision this and your true self appearing. Your true self is yourself that has no harm, wounds, or disappointments.  It is the version of you that is your perfect self.  Ask this true self to come and merge with you and source.  Once this happens the cord cutting is complete.
  • Envision yourself in this merged state gathering up the cords and envision a sacred fire burning.  Burn the cords in the fire.  Once the cords are burned, state, “It is finished” three times.  Say “Thank you” and come out of the visualization.

The power to be free lies within each of us and only requires a personal decision to accept the perfection of our true self in a perfect universe.