The call for deep inner work is the absolute answer in how to manage your life in a powerful and empowered way in today’s world.

As you are aware, our world is undergoing a radical transformation. As a healer, I am inundated with distress calls from people who are attempting to manage the extreme losses that feel all-encompassing in many people’s lives. People are crying out for change: change in the world, in the economy, in the environment and mostly in their own personal situations. What I have found is, developing a different perspective about yourself and about what is happening will catapult you into an arena of energetic immunity, health, and well being.

My goal, is to offer a service to help you during these times. I am here to give you a perspective that will empower you beyond your wildest imagination. This testimonial says it all:

I went from devastation and contemplating leaving the Earth, to a place of gratitude, empowerment, and excitement about my new life. Words do not express the thankfulness I hold for the material in this course and how it has changed my life. Actually given me life! ~ Betta Horn

Join ME for this online course with periodic, live Q&A offerings, as we explore together how to:

I created this offering to help people access their unlimited self… their quantum self.
Shift into an evolved perspective of who you actually are
Let go of the limitations that have bound you into smallness
Embody your magnificence and experience abiding joy

The energy generated with this shift creates a quantum frequency field that is available to all that tap into it. There are extraordinary possibilities put into motion! Let's capitalize on this together.

Prerequisite: Become a Quantum Human and Live in True Freedom

Brain Dynamics: How to See Between the Worlds


Balance Your Brain: Become a Whole Brained Person
Utilizing the Right Brain: Imagination as a Superpower
See Between the Worlds: Resistance, Belief, Wholeness, Presence
Parallel Realities: Access Multiple Dimensions
The Mandela Effect: What is Real?
Become Aware: Change Habits and Recognize Markers
Access Versions of Self: Who Do You Want to Be?

Join people from all over the world and discover the possibilities and potentials of ReCreating YourSelf.

here’s what you get when you register for the course:

You will not only experience world-class training in shamanic techniques, you will also receive personal healings in every class!

Hands-on, experiential style of learning

Small group, interactive discussions

There are advanced students who are trained assistants available to provide one-on-one support. There is a 5-to-1 ratio of students to assistants.

A personal assistant assigned to provide additional support between classes.

LightSong Facebook Course Page (Closed, Secure Group)

Access to free community events: Podcasts, Talking Sticks, Reiki Circles, Sound Healing Circles, Drumming and Journey Circles

LightSong Newsletter

Invitations to LightSong Ceremonies


Prerequisites for this course are: Completion of LV1 Basic Shamanic Journey

Course payment details

$285 Registration fee (includes 3 mandatory prep classes)

The total price for this 12 month training is $3085 but we are offering a $300 discount when paid in full making the total $2785.

A part of the class requirement is attendance at the Telepathic Communication Practicum, which carries an additional charge of $350. (This is paid as a cash offering at an offering ceremony in June of the year you attend the event.)

To waive the processing fee, you can opt to pay by check. Please make it out to Jan Engels-Smith 832 SW Wilson Court Gresham OR 97080.

We offer payment plans for this course, please contact us [email protected] with your name, contact details and course interest so we can discuss suitable options.

For additional details please contact [email protected].

We accept cards via Stripe and PayPal. Register below to get started!  

If you've already paid the deposit at a previous time then you can pay the outstanding balance here:

This 12-month course begins in January and meets 18 times throughout the year.
There are make-up classes scheduled for every class session, in case you have to miss.

Click here for current dates and times

Contact the office for any futher questions.

LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine is the only school that offers Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level degrees. For more information, click here.

ReCreate YourSelf: Brain Dynamics: How to
See Between the Worlds

An Online Video: ReCreate YourSelf: Brain Dynamics: How to See Between the Worlds

You will have access to download the teaching video, which contains 7 modules prior to the Live Online sessions. You will find all the information you need in these engaging pre-recorded course videos that you can watch on-demand and at your own convenience.

Practices and Enrichment Activities

Included with your Video are pdf documents outlining activities and opportunities for deepening your experience and understanding of the topics. You can refer to this during our Weekly Live Discussions.

7 Weekly Live 60-Minute Q&A Sessions to Share and Ask Questions Facilitated by Jan Engels-Smith 

Multiple times each year you will be offered the opportunity to listen to Jan highlight the concepts and embellish the content of each Weekly Video with stories and personal experiences. There will be plenty of time for sharing and to ask questions.

Video and Audio recordings of each Live Session

You will receive a recording of each course session so if you miss a live session or wish to listen to it again you can. These recordings can be a wonderful tool to deepen your integration of the teachings.


Custom Course Website

The course site houses all of your course materials and gives you access to the video recordings and course documents. You’ll have Lifetime Access to the course site, so you can easily go back and access any of the materials and the videos as often as you’d like.

course Dates

 Recreate Yourself: Brain Dynamics: How to See Between the Worlds 



The Q&A dates are:

 February 9

February 16



mARCH 30


You will have exclusive access to the Course Website which houses all of the materials in the course including training videos, recordings of the group calls, documents, etc..

course payment details

The ReCreate YourSelf course is for the amazing low price of $350.

Payment is on a secure platform when you follow the link.

For additional details please contact [email protected].

This is an on-demand course. After purchase, you have unlimited access for your own use.

You will be notified each time the 7-week online live Q&A sessions are scheduled.

LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine is the only school that offers Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level degrees. LightSong courses are premium value.


How does this online course work?

This online course delivers a pre-recorded video course curriculum to you on a weekly basis and you can determine and control how you do the work. Whether your favorable work time is morning or evening, you can participate in these sessions at your convenience. In addition to these video teachings, you will receive downloadable pdfs to use to deepen your understanding. 

You will also be invited to join Jan for weekly live sessions via a Zoom video call where Jan will highlight the concepts and embellish the content of each Weekly Video with stories and personal experiences. This will allow you to share with the group and ask questions.

You will have exclusive access to the Course Website which houses all of the materials in the course including training videos, recordings of the group calls, documents, etc..   No matter what time zone you are in, you will be supported and included in our global community.

Do I need any special equipment?

Nothing special, just a device that connects to the Internet to participate in the Zoom classes, and to access the course website. Headphones can help with sound quality.

What if I miss a Live Session or Q&A?

Please do not worry! This is not a problem – recordings of each session are available soon after so you can download and listen to them at your own convenience. You can post any questions in advance for the live class by emailing Jan and she will answer them in the next live session.

What if I need more support, are you available for sessions?

Jan will get you in touch with a professional for individual sessions--for coaching or energy medicine--local or distance. You may contact Jan and she will email a list of available practitioners  to schedule an appointment and discuss the applicable fees.

Do I have to finish the course in a certain time period?

You can finish the course at your own pace in your own time. You will be able to download all the materials and/or access them on the course website. 

What about confidentiality?

Your experience remains completely confidential.  There is a confidentiality agreement in place that we will discuss in our first session. We respect the vulnerability it takes to learn something new and honor the shared, sacred space.

Do I need strong internet skills to do this course?

Only for accessing the course website, downloading course material (if you choose to) and interaction in the live online aspect of the sessions. We will give you all the support we can – and you’ll see that, once you’re in the flow, it’s really easy.

Does the course require specific knowledge or experience?

Previous knowledge or experience is not required or necessary. All you need is curiosity, compassion for your own learning self, and joy in engaging your imagination.

What our community members say…

Your course was incredible!!! I’m 64 and had lost hope of ever discovering my true, authentic self and being able to let go of the binds that tied me. I’ve read soooo many self-help books, tried talk therapy, support groups, acupuncture, hypnosis and other other (supposedly) “life-changing” courses all with no significant measure of success. I thought I would try Just One More Thing. This course was EXACTLY what I needed!!!  Every exercise was positively intense and surprising. I have gained insight into my personality, talents and the journey my soul has been on. My goals and dreams have been re-directed to a path and purpose that truly fits me. I feel a strength, power and determination I have never experienced before and I am excited to pursue life in ways I will thrive, rather than just survive. I see my future self as an amazingly significant being with a bright, shining spirit that can influence and enhance others lives. I exited the workshop as a different person - full of that I could not ever have imagined before the Magic infused with me 🙂

Julie Garland

Thank you so much for making courses available to us!!!! They are awesome, amazing and words I don't even know yet. My world has opened up…and I am seeing things from many different perspectives, avenues and opportunities!!! All with extreme love and light. What an amazing, authentic course this is. I appreciate you! Love, light and hugs,

Melanie  Monge

While living in Portland I was fortunate enough to study extensively with Lightsong, which changed my life, and I hold Jan in highest esteem. I now live quite some distance away and was excited to hear about their plans to bring their knowledge and teachings through this highly accessible format. The concepts are presented in a clear and easily digestible format and there is a wealth of additional reference material and fun exercises. Whether you are a seasoned energy worker or approaching this realm for the first time, this course has the potential to be life changing. Leap in!!

Xoxo Sarah Severn

About The Course Teacher

Jan Engels-Smith MEd, ShD, LPC

The beginnings of my connection with shamanism and energy medicine began years before I even knew what a shaman was. My husband and I were living in Dallas, Texas with three small children and I had an active practice as a professional counselor. The experience that changed all that was an apparition I had of an old Native-American woman who materialized in my living room. I walked into my living room and she was standing there. I was shocked! When I approached her and asked who she was, she replied:

I am you,

I am your mother,

I am your sister,

I am your grandmother,

I am the Earth.

She had gray hair pulled back tightly in a bun, and her skin was wrinkled and weathered by life. She was wrapped in a wool blanket, smoking a pipe. She asked if I wanted to join in the sisterhood, but warned me that my life would be forever changed. I was scared, perplexed and alarmed at her presence, but a crow outside my living room window kept cawing and with each caw I heard the word “trust.” I nodded my head and replied, “Yes.”

I remember being extremely nervous, but there was a peculiar kind of strength surrounding and supporting me. She handed me the pipe and we smoked it together, passing it back and forth. When we finished, she spoke again. “Your guidance will be provided. Your medicine that you carry is North: Wisdom, Healing, and Love. Begin now to learn to understand the Ways.” I turned away, responding to a sound behind me, and when I turned back, the old woman was gone. 

The apparition left me bewildered, confused and concerned for my own mental health. The vision, coupled with my experiences of working in a psych ward, had me doubting what I thought of as reality. My friends, family and Sunday school class thought that the stress of my work was affecting me, and reacted to my story with concern for my mental state. Longtime friends deserted me and I began to feel isolated, judged, and unheard. The more I tried to defend and explain my experience, the crazier I sounded. My life as I knew it unraveled.

With the support of my husband, and after a series of serendipitous experiences, I ended up in Portland Oregon. I graduated from the Foundation of Shamanic studies and was adopted into a Lakota Sioux family and began the practice of energy medicine. This was the beginning of the re-creation of my life.