Ascension 2012 by Jan Engels-Smith
The years 2011 and 2012 are pivotal times for humanity. The old paradigms that govern our lives are being deconstructed and new ways of understanding our existence are emerging as we reshape our universe in communion with the greater powers that lie within ourselves and our universe. Critical choices that we make at this time will determine the outcome and the degree to which we will align with and shape this new age.
Humans are the creator beings on this planet. I have come to clarity in my own thinking that this is the significant message from the universe and I have tried to instill this in my students and with other audiences. The magnitude of this message is staggering. Our current paradigm is one of limitations that views humanity as shaped by incapacity, unworthiness, and aimlessness. We have seen the collapse of social systems, a degradation of cultures, and a loss of an individual sense of meaning and happiness.
For the past few years we have watched the emergence of catastrophic weather patterns amid global warming, the failure of financial systems with foreclosures on peoples’ homes and high unemployment, strained international relations and wars, and an ominous sense of a dire future that threatens our children and hinders planning for a better life. Every individual and every family has been severely affected by these shifting energies and their negative nature.
The media has attempted to explain these new conditions, but they are trapped in explaining present and future conditions with mental models that have been fully discounted by events that they cannot understand and with historical perspectives that lack credibility in these new times. The challenges we face demand a new understanding on the metaphysical level and the old paradigms are sorely lacking in this realm.
The new energies appear to have only negative consequences when viewed through the lens of the old paradigm but, in truth, they offer the opportunity to deconstruct a system that has served humanity poorly, and to create a new order that restores our alignment with the positive forces of a benevolent universe. We must both create and participate in these new energies and take the responsibility to reshape our world and ourselves through our conscious effort to channel our own energies in this positive flow. Our individual thoughts and practices will determine whether humankind takes advantage of this opportunity or continues to flounder in outmoded and failed thinking. Each individual contributes to the whole, enhances the process, and contributes to the greater good with ease and grace when he or she revisions the future and engages with spirit and commitment.
What does it mean to ascend into a higher frequency of energy? It means that you must diligently practice raising your vibration. You are a broadcast of energy. This energy has a certain quality and variant intensity that creates your vibrational field and the power of the energy that radiates from your being. If you are a negative person, you will have a low vibration and you will be in alignment with the doom and gloom of what is happening around you. The internal energies of fear, worry, hopelessness, and incapacity are resonant matches with a world that is viewed as failing, and these energies blend with and enhance the prevailing negative forces. You will resonate with the problems that the media broadcasts and you will suffer despair and will not be capable of happiness, joy, or ecstasy.
Low vibration, negative energy has the ability to “prove” to the individual that the hopelessness that surrounds us is our reality and we come to accept what we perceive as inevitable. However, the acceleration of one’s vibrational energy through new positive understandings of our possibilities generates an energy within that emits a totally different vibrancy that shapes and reshapes all that it touches as it flows outward, and we come to recognize that all that we had believed was an illusion created by a faulty paradigm of limitation and scarcity.
Energetically, the earth is ascending into a new dimension. The great shift is toward a paradigm of unity and wholeness in a universe that is not fragmented and in conflict. This is a world that exists with forces that sustain life and create perfection — love, joy and ecstasy, and promise of a positive future. In order to reap the benefits of this prophesized shift you must be an energetic or vibrational match with this ascension.
Humankind has given little attention to this personal development and each of us must practice and master the natures that will fundamentally change us and our universe. Personal mastery will lead to emotional stability, great happiness, ecstasy, and personal ascension. Your new energies will be in harmony with the earth’s new fields of energy. The conflict that one has felt with one’s surroundings can be replaced with a sense of interdependence and wholeness, and the struggle of negative forces can be replaced with an inner peace and contentment. There is much to learn and to practice, but success is possible and the potential for change is REAL.
We are the pioneers of this new age, at least those of us that choose to venture into the uncharted landscape of the new world. The pressures exerted by the forces that currently envelope us should bring us to recognize that the time for us to respond is NOW-without hesitation or delay. We cannot procrastinate or wait for positive change to happen without us. If we are non-participatory we will not feel the positive currents of energy because our vibrational rate will not be in harmony with it.
The spirits have been molding me for this current phase of life for years and I feel excited, ready, and passionate about the information that they have presented. My classes have been the template on which I have recorded my new understanding and I have watched and witnessed the responses of others to this new information as it has evolved for years. Now I believe I am beginning to see an overview of the strong message that they have presented. My life’s work has been preparing others and myself for a different future.
The first of the year I will make this available to a larger audience, including those that are not grounded in the shamanic principles that I have taught for the past twenty years. The spirits are clear that to be in alignment with ascension there are particular principles and practices associated with our energy fields that must be understood and implemented. These will be presented in 2012 for those interested in the personal ascension necessary as the Earth shifts into a new dimensional reality.
Life is to be lived differently. I hope that you will participate with me during this next year and move through 2012 with a conscious decision to be participant with these emerging possibilities. The pay off will be a greater awareness, joy, and prosperity for you as an individual, and a long-needed healing for our world.
Doctor Who (Photo credit: Cayusa)