Appreciation Cuts Through Interdimensional Lines of Reality by Jan Engels-Smith
Independent of your history the act of appreciation towards the Earth will help heal the dire straits we have created. To literally send the energy of love and appreciation with thoughtful intention to the Earth moves the pendulum on the continuum of life and starts creating a new thought from that will influence humanity positively. A thought form of veneration and respect of life, all her creatures in all its forms visible and non-visible. Appreciation cuts through interdimensional lines of reality and services those of the invisible worlds. We are all together as we move collectively with the Earth into her ascended state of consciousness, all inhabitants are involved, appreciate and be in awe of the unseen. (faery, devas, sprits, elves, etc.) Yes, they do exist. I recently asked the spirits how much do we actually see around us, what kind of percentage? I was dumbfounded when they replied, less than 1%. Wow, we are blind and yet try to have dominance. How arrogant of us.
Earth sings a song of deep unconditional love, which changes the vibration of all things. This song originates from the pure heart of her being; it transforms matter, spiritualizing it into its transcendent form. The Song of the Earth can rectify human kind when humans realize this, appreciate it and harmonize with it. We can fortify the Earth’s song by sending appreciation to her. She will in turn augment and enrich us with interdimensional awareness, feelings of bliss and ecstasy that will well up within your being and you will become one with the One Song, the Universe. This simple, fortifying act can be done throughout your day and definitely during defined meditation times of concentration and focus. The transmutation of your being is without question one of the greatest contributions that you can make to the world. This reminds me of the truth that I live by, which is, it doesn’t matter what the rest of the world is doing; what matters is what I am doing. What vibration am I broadcasting? If I stay in my “Song” I will affect the world in the most positive way.
The other lethal thought form that humans have generated is that they are separate from God, Creator, or Source. This thought form has destroyed vitality, worthiness, inspiration, creativity and passion amongst humans. Many people behave like beaten dogs with their tail between their legs, hovering, wining, and pitiful. No organization, government, community, or person can give you your worth. It is intrinsic and your connection to source is unequivocal. Appreciation is again the healer of this illusionary state. To feel appreciation actually changes your DNA. It creates new connections in your brain and re-patterns thoughtwaves. It reprograms, revitalizes and reconstructs new harmonic patterns in your lightbody. The feeling transfigures you.
Marty Nelson is one of the LightSong counsel members and he says it beautifully. Appreciation = gratitude + praise. Praise the earth, praise life, praise the magnificence of a flower, praise yourself and learn the feeling of appreciation. They are blissful and ecstatic. Learn the feeling of appreciation so well that you can call it up with your will; it automatically fuels the transformation of your being.
During these turbulent times of chaotic weather patterns, governmental holocaust, environmental distress, be an activist of the highest order. Take action through appreciation! You will not only change yourself you will contribute to the transformation of humanity.
The spirits are clear that to be in alignment with ascension there are particular principles and practices associated with our energy fields that must be understood and implemented. One does not need to be a shaman or taken shamanic classes to enter into this work. However, one should be comfortable with deeply altered states of awareness for extended periods of time and basic journey skills are always beneficial.