I am continuing my commitment to highlight the profound teaching that came through LightSong’s 31st practicum this year. Instead of using precious space from a limited word count for this article, I ask readers to review the last few articles that have been published in LightSong News on this subject.  Also as a shout out to the community, you can tune into my pod cast, which involves dialogue, specific examples, and an exchange of voice and heart to emphasis concepts and understandings.  There are two links to these podcasts for your convenience. https://www.lightsong.net/lightsong-podcast/  or  https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/shamanism-21st-century-approach/id1199333402 As a former teacher, I realize that not everyone has the same learning style; some like to read and others like to listen and some like to do both.

The teachings today in this article emphasize the innate power of human consciousness and the human belief system.   There are several ground rules that need to be defined.  I choose to do this in an outline form because there is an enormous amount of information to share and I wish to provide it in the most condensed form.  If you would like detailed examples, more explicit explanations, and even worksheets to help you discover yourself please refer to my book Becoming Yourself: The Journey from Head to Heart which you can purchase on my website or on Amazon.

  1. Humans are an energy system first and foremost having a human experience.  This energy is composed of high frequency vibrations that are also referred to as your soul, divine essence, unconditional source energy, or compassion. This is a very important concept because your energy system is the core of your existence. Your energy system can also be covertly overshadowed and unrecognized because of your attachments to a distorted reality that is determined by your personality, your physical body, your mental constructs, and mostly your wounds that distort and control how you view the world.  In other words, people tend to look at the reality around them as validating a truth instead of looking within.
  2. Another truth is that the world is reflecting back to you what is actually going on inside of you.  It is the barometer, the compass, the instrument to evaluate and reveal what you actually believe.
  3. Beliefs are in control of both personal reality perceptions as well as collective reality perceptions. Beliefs are an energy broadcast that creates emotion.
  4. Beliefs are housed in the human body in the chakras.  Chakras are energy vortex’s that spin and broadcast.  There are about 147 chakras in the body; however, there are a common seven that most people are aware of and are the major key chakras of the body.  The chakras basically run from the crown of the head to the root between the legs.  The chakras that broadcast emotion are the ones from the root to the throat and not so much in the head. 
  5. In an ideal situation, the chakras would broadcast in their absolute truth of magnificence and wellness; however, when wounds happen to a person, the chakra is storing the wound and the broadcast changes to a person’s personal woundology.  This is where the distortion starts for personal realities.
  6. Thus, beliefs about life and truth are stored in the chakras and most people function from a wounded perspective and they perceive life from this wounded cosmology.

There are some interesting facts about beliefs:

  1. Beliefs are a choice.  There is nothing that you can say to me about what you believe that I can’t respond to by saying that it is a choice. 
  2. If beliefs are choices, then you can choose differently at any given moment.
  3. Beliefs are solidified into your chakras from repetition of thought.
  4. A thought, which is repeatedly reinforced or accepted immediately upon hearing, will drop from your head down into your chakra system and implant itself there.
  5. If as children you listen to your parents’ strong opinion about something and look to them for guidance, you align with what your parents are expressing.  That choice then harvests in your chakras as a belief that you have decided is true.
  6. This authoritative influence can invade into your consciousness from many sources, such as: teachers, coaches, religious or political figures, or friends, but mostly the influence is from the culture and the era into which you were born.  Consider that if you were born into a different country in another part of the world, or in a different era, you would have a completely different set of beliefs that would determine your reality.
  7. The spirits call these blind beliefs.
  8. Most people never question what they believe and yet these beliefs are in total control of the person’s reality.
  9. Also, a very important fact is that beliefs are energy, just like everything else in the universe is a form of energy.  Words are energy, action is energy, dreams are energy, prayers are energy, and thoughts are energy.
  10. You are an energy system that is a broadcast tower of energy that is interacting with the cosmos and all life.
  11. You are broadcasting and receiving energy signals each and every moment of your life.

Let me give you a common example.  If you were raised with the idea that you are a smart, loving, cherished individual, that you are charmed and that things always work out for you in amazing ways, that you can do anything that you set your mind to, and that you are loved unconditionally by your parents and that they adore you, admire you, support you, and provide for you, then this will be the imprint on your life that will produce internal and perpetual optimism. This will be your core belief about yourself.  You will broadcast these beliefs from your chakras and you will attract from the universe experiences and manifestations that support your beliefs.  Remember that the universe is mirroring back to you what you ultimately believe.

If on the other hand, you were raised in a household where you were criticized, beaten down, where love was conditionally based on behavior, where parents yelled, provoked, and competed with you, you were labeled worthless, lesser than another sibling, never good enough or a burden to your parents, you will accept that as truth.  This belief causes a wound in your chakras and you will broadcast your wounds out into the universe.  You will then attract to you the events, situations and manifestations that will match your emotional wounds that will then support your beliefs telling you they are true.  Also, the world will reflect back to you a reality that supports your distorted reality highlighting for you where you need to heal.  In other words, if you see a world that is flawed and ugly, then that is what is stored inside of you.  Your personal wounds are coloring your view of the world.

Shamanism views a person as an energy system and is based in techniques, ceremonies and rituals to sustain and maintain the energy system.  This energy system can also be called your soul.  There are hundreds of different shamanic techniques, but I feel most boil down to a basic concept that proposes to take out the energy that has contaminated your core brilliance of divine essence and put back the energy that has been lost because of the wounds that you have endured throughout your life.

As a tenured shamanic teacher and a practitioner who has done over 3500 soul retrievals, I am relentless in my attempts to help people heal.  If you are interested in more of what I have to offer please continue to read my articles.  You can find them on my website by clicking here,  You may also purchase my books and CDs, follow me on the “Feel Good Challenge” on Facebook, follow me on Facebook, and listen to my podcasts.  I supply a constant outreach for those that are interested in healing and well-being.