In the current state of our world, with rampant fear, anxiety, depression and stress levels out of control for many people, we seek new answers and new ways of being.
In times such as these I turn to my teachings from the spirits and try to see the current situation from a greater perspective: A spiritual perspective.
I review these teachings:
- All things work for the divine evolution of humanity, as well as my own personal evolution.
- All beings are loved beyond measure and I trust in this love.
- The reasons for individual experiences are as varied as there are people, however I consider that growth is happening for all.
And I contemplate these questions:
- Where am I in my growth process?
- What is happening to me and how can I see it with new eyes? The eyes of my true self.
- Am I being asked to find joy even in adverse conditions?
- If I am not in joy, what do I believe about my current situation that is pulling me out of joy?
- What is my current frequency of vibration and what am I attracting because of that vibration?
It is important to understand that you don’t have to solve all the problems, you just have to dream of the new possibilities. Focus on the things you love in life instead of the things you are worried about. Your only job is to hold the vibration of what you dream as possible in all of its vibrancy and delight. This is the role of an activist for the New Earth.
Many people think that they understand the concepts behind manifestation and then become frustrated because their life isn’t changing in the way they would like it to. They say their affirmations, they create their dream board, but they don’t take a look at what they really believe about their worth or their ability to deserve.
All of our beliefs are broadcast from our chakras, which create much of our auric fields of energy. This broadcast then attracts to it situations in your life that match your belief system. You are creating your life from your beliefs and you can’t change your life or manifest what you really want until you change some of what you believe.
What most people don’t realize is that beliefs are choices. You can actually change your broadcast, by deciding to believe differently.
All of your actions are rooted in your belief system. Although most of your beliefs were formed as a child, you still have a choice whether to follow them. If you do not like what you believe, you can change it. As an adult, you have full control of your beliefs. To change, however, you must take a long, scrutinizing look at your particular belief structure and understand why it exists and if you want to continue embracing it.
I have found that personal work can be facilitated greatly in group discussion because it stimulates questions, helps you define and find clues within yourself of why you manifest as you do and why the world looks a particular way to you.
I invite you to explore yourself with us by applying the tools introduced in ReCreate YourSelf: Become a Quantum Human and Live in True Freedom. Here we teach you to uncover your current beliefs and create new ones to support the New Earth that is being birthed. We will be a powerful team of manifestors coming together in self examination, knowing that the outer world is a reflection of our inner world.
If you resonate with this call to action, to be in service in a new way, please join us for this life-altering course.
To register now go to
The course itself consists of a downloadable video that includes all the teachings and is yours to keep.