I have written about soul retrieval many times because it is central to my healing practice and teaching.  I have dedicated my professional career to this process and have done over 3500 soul retrievals.  That amount of experience has given me literally thousands of case studies from which to learn more about the human condition and how we can benefit the healing arts by integrating ancient traditions into our contemporary healing practices.  I feel that with every soul retrieval I learned from the spirits vast amounts of information about life, past lifetimes, karma, the power of words, humans’ energetic systems, empowerment/disempowerment, self-care, wellness, the death process, discarnate beings, the value of relationship, and why we incarnate.

Soul Retrieval is a shamanic technique that is believed to be the oldest known healing procedure on the planet. Many times in the process of a soul retrieval I will journey to a client’s other life experience. A healing can be done in this other life reality that will actually affect my client’s current life; a phenomenon, which underscores that time, is relative. The spirits have repeatedly told me that time is not linear, but holographic, meaning that all things happen at the same moment but in different realities, and that a altering one of these realities automatically alters the others. This makes shamanic journeying for soul retrievals, or to visit different lifetimes, possible. The person doing the journey travels into that particular time dimension. The ability to cross into other dimensions means we can relive or view a past event and find healing in what we thought no longer existed. We can remember a future before it is present.

This multi-dimensional phenomenon is evident in the following story of Jim, who was struggling with a career decision. Jim’s current career had started with the death of John Lennon. Jim was about 18 years old at the time of Lennon’s death, but he had had a powerful experience at this time, which changed the course of his life. When Lennon died, Jim felt him enter his body. He committed himself to John’s spirit, and became obsessed with learning all of his music. Jim is a talented musician and developed a very successful band, which played Beatle standards. This supported Jim, both financially and soulfully. But after many years, Jim felt as if he were becoming lost as an individual. He wanted to develop his own style of music and be recognized for himself. There came a time when Jim was ready to hang up his Sergeant Pepper’s suit, but he had much indecision and remorse about this career change. He felt as though he were breaking his commitment to keep John and his music alive. He asked me to journey to John’s spirit to get information from John about why he felt so devoted to him. That possibly John would know more about this having a divine perception from the other side. Jim also asked me to do a soul retrieval on him helping him with his individual identity.

My spirit helpers almost always show me things metaphorically during a journey, somewhat like a dream. Luckily for me, my spirit helpers also usually explain the metaphors to me, unlike a dream where you must figure out the symbology for yourself. The first scene that came to me in the journey was Jim lying on the floor sobbing into his hands. John walked up and pulled Jim to his knees. He then embraced him tightly. Jim continued to sob on John’s shoulder with John supporting and consoling him.

The scene then changed to Jim and John flying through the air. Their bodies were actually blended, as if they were superimposed on each other. Each of them had one arm and leg free and off to the side, but their inside arms and legs were superimposed. John was about a head’s length in front of Jim.

After several moments of this, the scene changed to Jim and John curling up into a ball, or sphere, that appeared like rolling light. I then saw the Earth off in the distance as if I was viewing the planet from a space capsule.

I asked for an explanation of the metaphors. The first scene, where John was consoling Jim, had a real twist in it for my client. Jim had been a drug addict, and his involvement with John’s music actually was part of his own healing. The Beatle band had kept Jim productive, responsible, and clean. In order to be a success, he had to take care of himself. John was actually keeping Jim alive, not the other way around where Jim had thought he was keeping John alive through the remembrance of John preforming John’s  music.

The second scene, with them flying through the air superimposed, was explained as Jim and John actually being the same soul expressed in two different incarnations in the same time dimension at the same time! Absolutely amazing! John’s head was shown a head’s length in front of Jim because he was about 20 years older than Jim and further along in the expression of his life. I marveled at the meaning contained in such a simple image. I found it incredible. I had always perceived incarnations as linear and that a soul needed to die, go to the light and then come back as someone else.  This journey explained otherwise.  That a soul can have multiple lifetime expressions in the same  time line.  The spirits then went on to explain the imagery of the spherical ball of light that Jim and John became. They stressed again through this imagery that time is not linear, it is holographic. There really is no such thing as past or future lives. Everything is happening simultaneously in different dimensions of time. The Earth was used to illustrate that we can look at all individuals and see different incarnations of our soul being lived out. We’ve got a whole planet of people who are different expressions of us.

John Lennon’s words from “I Am the Walrus” are interestingly appropriate to Jim’s experience, like a message to him across time:

I am he,

and he is me,

and we are all together.

Since this journey, the spirits have expanded their teaching about incarnations. They fondly expressed to me that when we have real attachments to things, such as to a particular writer, poet, artist, or sculptor, and are drawn to his or her work, it is probably because we were actually the creator of that piece of work. If we read something from history that profoundly teaches us, we may have been part of the actual event. Even if we are extremely attached or moved to help someone, perhaps to support a child in a Third World country, then we are probably that child in a different lifetime expression. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself; the other might actually be you!! Now there’s a thought.

I am still processing this information and probably will be for several years to come. It is amazing. The spirits have since taught me to journey to my other lifetimes and to remember the wisdom I gained from each lifetime expression. I have also learned to journey to souls I would like to learn more about. The possibilities available through journeying are unlimited. Journeys to other lifetimes can be extremely informative, and also lots of fun. I highly recommend them for anyone practicing their journey skills.

Learning to journey opens doors of opportunity that is unmatched.  The potentials are endless and you can use the skill in any situation that you are curious about or need help in.  I encourage you to seek out an experienced school such as LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine, take a weekend class and transform your life.  You will be amazed.