Excerpt from Becoming Yourself:  The Journey from Head to Heart

by Jan Engels-Smith

Each summer I have a workshop on Telepathic Communication, outside in a camp situation. Set in Tillamook, Oregon, the land we use is beautiful, with tall trees and lush greenery. The scene is very much like a magical fairy garden, only our garden is 43 acres. I love this land and being able to commune with nature in such an undisputed way.

Most of the people that are attracted to my work have an environmental consciousness and are very pro environment (tree huggers might suffice as a definition).

I usually arrive on the land a couple of days before everyone else, so I can set up and prepare. A few years ago when I arrived, there was a massive clear-cut operation in process just across the river from our camp. The water magnified the sound to a deafening decibel. The beeping trucks as they backed up to the location, the sound of many chain saws, cracking wood, and falling trees all created chills through my body with the destruction that was in progress.

I had always been sensitive to the logging in Oregon, so much so, that I would almost cry seeing log trucks on the street. My reaction to this assault on the forest was overwhelming. I was horrified to think of what would happen in the next few days, especially when 60 tree huggers began to arrive in camp the following day. I was certain that emotional havoc was about to happen. This situation could destroy the workshop. The only telepathic communication the participants were going to focus on was screaming trees.

I sat down to think through this and started to pray. I centered myself and asked for help. The guidance that I received was, “Choose happiness.”

“Choose happiness?” I retorted back to Source. “How in the world do I do that? This is catastrophic!”

I received a very clear answer. “You’ve got the wisdom. You know what to do, so FIGURE IT OUT.” I sat there dumbfounded.

“Okay, I know what to do. What are my tools?” I said to myself.

I centered myself to bring up an intention and brought out my CD, Dream a New Dream, because at least with headphones on the sounds wouldn’t be so distracting. I use Dream a New Dream almost daily and it takes me into an amazing state of joy. I enjoy being led through the guided meditation of unburdening, dismembering, and filling with the light of love.

I declared my intention to the universe: “What I want to manifest is for the logging to stop during the workshop and for the pristine sounds of nature to be the only sounds we hear during our stay.”

I sat down and listened to the CD. When it came to the part of envisioning my desired dream using all of my senses, I went into the feeling of love; how much I love wood products: my house, my decks, paper, neighborhoods, cities, and all the things that are made from wood. I felt the joy of walking around my house and feeling my wood floors and how much I enjoy their aesthetic beauty, listening to people walk in and say, “Wow this is beautiful.” And I imagined myself going out on my decks and enjoying their expansive connection to outdoor living in which I thrive.

This went on for several minutes, as I invested my whole, sensual self in the experience. Then I moved into awareness of the loggers. These men must feel great joy bringing home a paycheck to their family; putting food on the table, shoes on their children’s feet, and clothes on their backs. They are providing for their family, which usually fills a man with joy. I moved into these feelings and felt confident, happy, successful, and sensed the male bonding that many of them might experience.

I was glowing by the time the CD ended and was completely present to the environment. I used the sound of the chain saws as a meditative tool to hold presence and journey through the rest of the day. I sang songs and was completely in tune with love. I felt wonderful because I chose happiness despite the situation, even though an hour before I had termed the situation catastrophic.

The clear-cutting sounds that started at 6:30 am the next day had diminished by about fifty percent, but the sound was horrifically distressing to the now arriving participants. As they gathered, I shared my good message about my experience and I told them what I wanted them to do. Think positively and concentrate on the wonderful qualities of wood products. Everyone participated in a great way and smiles and happiness where the result.

The following day the workshop began. There was still some logging operation noise, but it was minimal. I stood up to do an invocation to the spirits and the chain saws stopped, the trucks stopped, and the logging site became deserted. We all stared at each other in amazement. The silence was loud and made a clear statement of my desired manifestation.

Later in the day, when I had time to meditate and pray about this, I asked Source, “How did this happen?” The answer I received was, “You became the vibration of what you wanted to attract. You wanted joy in camp, you wanted peace in camp; you had to become those things to attract it.”

If I had stayed emotionally and vibrationally where I originally started – scared, angry, and worried – I would have created the situation to stay dismal. If people arriving had tapped into that and added to it, the result would have been harmful to the workshop. Emotional havoc creates emotional trauma, and creates physical difficulties.

“Anti” energy is an angry, frustrated, livid, fearful, and aggressive vibrational broadcast. The feeling might seem to make a difference for a moment, but the problem will usually pop up in some other form. Anti energy doesn’t work according to the laws of attraction.

If you want to be an activist, be an activist of the light. Dream your new dream of reality and then be a match for it vibrationally by being enthused, motivated, excited, appreciative, passionate, and happy. Spend time in altered reality envisioning your dream by engaging all of your senses. Create it in the un-manifest with detail and then feel so excited about this creation that it easily is drawn to you through the power of the law. If you do your part, this will happen.

View Becoming Yourself:  The Journey from Head to Heart here.