Shamanic Healing Testimonials
These Shamanic Healing Testimonials are for Jan Engels-Smith.
“Jan Engels-Smith has the eyes of the Ancients: She can see into your soul, where you’ve been, where your wounds are and where you are going. She can guide you away from the self that repeats old habits and toward the self that is whole and ready to create an inspiring and joy-filled life. This she does with wisdom, tenderness, and the ever-steady hand supported by The Ancestors.
Thank you for your gift of wisdom and healing. I just finished reading your book and found it to be rich, concise, and rewarding. You are true and brilliant and I thank you! I am doing great, post soul retrieval. The cardiologist gave my heart an EXCELLENT condition rating!! The Soul Retrieval was powerful and healing! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!”
“Thank you for assisting me in finding my radiance and renewing the child like wonder of beauty and womanhood.
What a gift you are!!!”
“Deft and compassionate Jan has LIVED the Wise Woman life, so she knows the way to get you there. There is no better traveling companion to depths of your soul. To all those longing at The Gates: The gates that offer passage into your being and the healing of your soul. I say: Jan is a blessing, and you will soon be inside. Jan is a blessing and you need no longer wait. For those who seek Enlightenment, a journey of just a few hours with her can draw you lifetimes closer to your goal and will make your future path clearer, swifter and more joyful. In a time of much doubt amidst hard work, Jan Engels-Smith brings clarity and a greater awareness of our best selves into every day living.”
Willa Koretz
“I am LOVING what I have learned & felt from you.”
W. K.
“Thank you for yesterday! I slept so well last night (a rarity – until now) and really feel so much more of my energy present today – and even more aware of the molecular activity and space around me. Lovely! It’s wonderfully joyful.”
“The soul retrieval that you did with me was one of the most remarkable experiences of my life. I experienced great love, great insight, and great healing. Thank you for your grace, skills, integrity and wisdom.
I’m in the process of letting everything we talked about sink deeply into my soul. I look forward to the healing that will continue to unfold and am so grateful for the healing that happened instantly.
I’m praying for guidance regarding my next steps with you. Thank you for your willingness to explore the possibility. There’s a lot I could still learn from you!”
“I am so grateful for the soul retrieval ceremony and for your commitment, integrity and the true gifts you share as a Shamanic healer. Thank you! What a beautiful and powerful ending and beginning. Everything is different and magical.”
“As I told you on the phone, my life has changed (again!) So much since my last Soul Retrieval. I no longer feel the overwhelming pain and sadness from the losses I have experienced these past two years. I am able to see clearly and with joy, the path of my life at this moment. I am very busy now but it sure is fun!
I am very much honored to have you in my life, as a teacher, a healer and a friend. Thank you and bless you. You are truly a gift to this world!”
“I have been writing this letter to you daily. I wake up thinking it and fall asleep thinking it. Your book is magnificent and I need some here to sell. I want to spread the word of your great works!
My life continues to change dramatically since you did the soul retrieval: In wonderful, exciting ways. When I arrived home I was told that my cousin (a woman very close to me too) has developed bone cancer. She immediately wanted to join a drumming circle, etc. I am so thankful of my training with you for I was able to offer her many things that I have learned from you. This has led me into full time activity
My soul feels so fresh and clean. Jan, I am able to breathe! Daily I am amazed and rediscovering the parts of myself that were lost.
Thank you for this gift – and for our time together- those days I’ll cherish. We shall keep in touch.”
“Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for your compassion.
Thank you for your wisdom.
Thank you for your strength.
Thank you for sharing your gifts. That act alone contained tremendous healing power for me. ”
“Thank you for a constant reminder to find the joy in all things.
I appreciate you so much! Your beauty, love, and grace are fantastic examples of all that we as humans can become. I love you dearly for what you have done for my life.”
“I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening my eyes to all the new possibilities in my life. I truly feel reborn and whole for the first time in my life.”
“I can’t thank you enough for the gift you gave to my mother.
The sense of peace, love, and relief she felt from the session was more than I had hoped for. She was truly touched and healed by the experience.
You have an incredible gift and I thank you for sharing it to heal all of our wounds. We need more healers in the world like you. You are amazing!”
Barb Kott
“I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how things are going. Hope everything is well with you! My soul retrieval and private sessions with have been life changing. Finally I have the real me back. The me that is beautiful and encouraged. I also know how to address my issues with a “whole” new perspective.
I’ve lost almost 15 pounds! I feel so much more encouraged and the next 25 pounds will be very exciting to loose. Its fun to start seeing parts of the old me – it feels like the last 5 pounds came right off my face and I have cheekbones again!
I also have a new job that I will start soon: All these incredible changes. My life feels very positive and my relationship with my husband is getting much better – I’ve been able to talk to him more about what has been going on with me in such a way that is very constructive. I’m also getting smarter about picking my battles and understanding what (and why) it’s important to me.
Thank you so much for all your help and support. I’ll keep you up to date as life moves on!”
“I wish you health, and love and joy and success in all of your journeys! You are one of the most beautiful, passionate, and caring and giving women I have ever had the honor of knowing!”
“Thank you for talking with me the other day. I was at my wits end with frustration and confusion, as you know – you really helped me clarify my thoughts and feelings and prayers and most of all let go of some of the judgment (especially on my self, but also others) that I’ve been carrying around. What a relief! As soon as I set my intention clearly, all kinds of things began to happen immediately – and I saw this. I feel different. Like a still pool, calm: Not judging. What a relief I feel and a sense of true wholeness.”
“We are so thankful for you. For the healing and the teaching and friendship you have given us that has brought us to this place in our lives. Thank you so much.”
“To a woman who we could call the “Queen of Hearts”. You spread your arms and hearts grown on trees. You spread your arms and many find their way to their own hearts. You spread great love. I have learned to love because of you. Thank you for teaching me about how to be in the world.”