Awaken-Unburden-Create is a guided meditation. Jan Engels-Smith has taken sacred shamanic rituals that have been understood and used for centuries and makes them user friendly in today’s contemporary world. The benefits, the healings and the results of these age-old healing rites are available to anyone willing to sit down and listen. These MP3’s are excellent. They are for shamanic or non-shamanic belief systems.
Travel into a world of radiance as Jan Engels-Smith guides you in a potent meditation of remembering your divine nature. These meditations are designed to help you shed burdens and remove energetic blocks. Behavioral patterns handed down to you through family systems are gently removed and dismembered. Begin with MP3 #1 The Brilliance of You and remember your radiance, brilliance, self-worth, and beauty. MP3 #2 Reclaiming Your Divine Essence–Jan deliberately facilitates the return of your own divine essence, a soul retrieval, calling yourself back home. With the command of words and energetic intention, parts of yourself that have been lost or stolen begin their journey home to you, the host. MP3 #3 Dreaming a New Dream – Jan helps you weave and construct a new image of yourself and the life you desire for yourself- your ideal.
The intention of theseMP3’s is to allow the listener to become empowered in their personal self-care. The end result is a feeling of remarkable well-being, happiness, enthusiasm, motivation and joy.
Working with this mediation since 1994, Jan has used it with extraordinary results in her psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and shamanic practice. She offers this recording with the hopes that many people will practice these meditations and create for themselves outstanding results of healing and well-being.
MP3#2 Reclaiming your Divine Essence: This meditation is designed to bring back the pieces of you that have been lost, taken or given away. Through individual experiences- usually some sort of trauma- a person loses part of them self. In psychology, it is called “disassociation.” Basically, it is a survival mechanism to withstand the pain of a traumatic or intensely uncomfortable situation. What psychology does not ask is where the lost part goes and how one gets it back. A void then exists in that person’s divine essence. Think of your divine essence, your energy system, as a giant jigsaw puzzle. When you experience a trauma, a piece of the puzzle is lost, leaving an empty space in the puzzle. This meditation assists you in retrieving lost puzzle pieces, bringing about a wholeness of your true self and your divine essence.